【Wine Knowledge】All You Need to Know about Wine Labels I
By Scarlett. C
Have you ever read through the wine labels in details? Apart from the design, there are a lot more to learn on wine labels. Here's a quick tips of what we have to pay attention to especially for Bordeaux wines.
I bet no one is not familiar with this label with a gentleman on it. Château d'Armailhac is actually the name of the winery. Most of the wineries in Bordeaux put their big name on the label just to make use of its fame that everyone looks upon to.
“Appellation Paulillac Contrôlée” is another element that you need to look for. It's a French system of appellation classification to identify high quality output. Different appellation possesses different characteristics. Without "appellation" and ” Contrôlée” are only classified as "Vin de Pays" that are of mediocre quality.
"Grand Cru" and "Classé" cannot be separated either. Once they are separated, the winery cannot be classified as chateau.
”Mis en Bouteille au Chateau” means estate bottled. In other words, locally produced. Why this has to be empasized? That's because some big corporations purchase grapes from different vineyards and then transport to one major winery to produce, and hence mass production may not be ideal for quality control.
呢個公仔我諗大家唔陌生,除咗個公仔,佢下面嘅Château d'Armailhac 就係個酒莊名。大部份波爾多酒莊都會將自己個朵大大聲咁話比你知,因為個名背後就代表咗莊主對葡萄嘅來源同釀法有好高嘅話事權,一個酒莊可以代表住一個風味。就好似你去呢間茶記食星洲炒米同去個間茶記食嘅星洲炒米都會唔同風味, 因為大廚唔同,落嘅料都唔同。
“Applellation Paulillac Contrôlée”就係法定產區,唔同產區有唔同風格,想知多啲就要自己做多少少功課,呢度我就唔詳細講喇!要留意就係有時酒標只印咗產區名而冇”Applellation”,” Contrôlée”呢兩隻字,你可能要留意下,支酒可能只係餐酒級別(Vin de Pays) 而未到AOC級別。
下一行係”Grand Cru Classé”嘅意思係Pauillac入面佢屬於列級酒莊。要注意嘅係有時只有Grand Cru 而冇Classé佢唔係列級酒莊,等級差好遠架!呢個又關係到波爾多唔同產區嘅分級制度,有興趣了解多啲可以留言比小編,下次又可以分享下。
再下一行係”Mis en Bouteille au Chateau”,中文係「在酒莊內裝瓶」其實係話比你知呢支係100%本地貨, 由葡萄、釀酒、入樽都係同一間酒莊。點解要講到明係因為有時有啲大集團係會由唔同酒莊收購葡萄,然後集中係一個酒廠釀造。例如JP Chenet,佢公司係唔同產區都有田,葡萄品種亦好多樣,係呢個情況下佢地就唔可以標上”Mis en Bouteille au Chateau”。
The wine label from Burgundy is always a mystery. There are two major area to look at for beginners. Let's take Doudet Naudin as an example. When you compare the 2 pictures, the naming refers to the name of vineyard instead of the winery. The classification hierarchy from top to low are: Grand Cru(1%) > Premiers Crus(10%) > Appellations Villages(33%) > Appellations Régionales(55%)
講到布根地,又係一個好難睇得明嘅產區。或者呢個就係葡萄酒嘅迷人之處,要花少少心力,先搵到令自己著迷嘅酒。可以睇下上面兩張圖,首先,佢同波爾多唔同,唔係用酒莊嚟命名,而係用田名或葡萄園嚟名命。Logo下面係酒莊個名,要分得出每支酒,就要睇下面嘅田名:Chablis/Chablis Grand Cru-Bougros。簡單介紹下布根地嘅分級方法,由最高級順序落係Grand Cru(1%)> Premiers Crus(10%)> Appellations Villages(33%)> Appellations Régionales(55%). 標示嘅方法係由村莊名+等級(eg. Grand Cus)+田名。講到呢度你就應該知道上面兩款酒嘅分別。左圖只有村莊名-Chablis, 即只係Appellations Villages等級。右圖係Grand Cru等級,我諗我唔使多講,都知Grand Cru 係高級啲。
對初學者嚟講,最復雜嘅莫過於呢兩個地方嘅酒標。除此之外重有新世界,佢地就相對簡單啲。睇地方,葡萄種類,年份就大約知道個級數同口味。一般標示得愈細嘅地方,就係愈高級。例如係同一個品牌其下,標明Barossa Valley產區一般都會比只寫南澳嘅好。