【Wine Knowledge】 Old World vs New World
By Michael.C
鍾意飲紅酒的你,一定經常聽人New World/Old World、新世界/舊世界酒,其實係咩意思呢?
Old World
- Doudet Naudin for France
- Val D’OCa for Italy
- Idoia for Spain
Old World wines are made from the regions or countries where the grape varieties were originated including France, Italy, Spain. All wines are made using traditional and strict methods of winemaking.
好簡單,Old World 舊世界酒就係最傳統果幾個釀酒國家,包括法國、意大利、西班牙等,當時未有好 Standard 的釀酒程序,而呢幾個地方就已經制定咗一套釀酒標準,釀製穩定而平衡的紅酒,所以我地可以講,紅酒嘅質素就係由 Old World 舊世界奠定的。而舊世界至今仍然係紅酒一哥嘅原因,就係佢地嚴謹的 Quality Control , 清楚的分級制度,以及微妙細膩的味道。
New World
- Penfolds’ for Australia
New World wines are made from countries or regions where grapes are imported, so their history of winemaking started later. Countries that are classified as New World include the United States, Chile, Australia, Argentina, Australia and more. When comparing with Old World, wines from New World possess fuller body, higher alcohol level, lower acidity but more pronounced fruit flavours thanks to the cool climate and terroir.
Both worlds has their own unique characteristics, tell me what you think about them!
New World 新世界呢,顧名思義就係較後期加入 Wine Making 的國家,唔代表呢d地方以前無釀酒,只係較遲加入葡萄酒行列,最普及嘅新世界包括美國、智利、阿根廷、澳州等,佢地都係 base on 舊世界的釀酒模式,然後配合天氣同土壤變化而稍作調整,釀製有獨特風土的葡萄酒。相對於舊世界,新世界的紅酒會有較多以前沒有的味道,有些甜度高,有些超級 full body,有些單寧很強,有些輕薄而酒精濃,可以話係「百花齊鳴」,就好似現代時裝咁,打破更多以前的局限。
除了新舊2個世界,其實仲有Ancient World古代世界!包括黎巴嫩、土耳其、埃及、希臘等,可能你會覺得呢d地區的紅酒好少見,甚至會心諗「好似好伏,得唔得ga」,但其實佢地係葡萄酒嘅始祖!紅酒就係源於呢幾個古代地方,之後傳到舊世界,紅酒就由舊世界發揚光大,所以唔好睇少 Ancient World 嘅酒呀!佢地嘅酒係絕對有歷史的味道!