【Wine Knowledge】 6 Key Wine Grapes I
By Polly. L
When talking about wine grapes, how many types can you name? Let me guide you through the grapes from France and Spain so that you can impress your freinds.
梅洛 Merlot
Merlot is one of the most recognised wine grape, being embraced by all the people. With a rather thinner skin, Merlot wine naturally has a lower tannins level, offering a silky texture with a hints of blackberry raspberry aroma. No one cannot resist the temptation of Merlot wine! So, here's my recommendation, Grand Reyne is the best representation of Merlot wine. Tell me your thoughts after you have tried!
赤霞珠 Cabernet Sauvignon
The key feature of Cabernet Sauvignon is the thick skin which results in higher tannins level. After years of aging process, the texture will become smoother. Cabernet Sauvignon was originally from France, but then spread across the world. Winemakers usually combine Cabernet Sauvignon with Merlot, adding more layers to the wine.
黑皮諾 Pinot Noir
Pinot Noir can be used for producing red wine and champagne. Pinot Noir is a "cool climate" wine. Red wines from cool climates tend to have higher acidity, taste more spicy, have lower alcohol, and a lighter body. Young wines usually carry strawberry and cherry aroma while older wines tend to exude aroma of licorice root. I would recommend Doudet Naudin Bourgogne Pinot Noir. You will be mesmerized by the authentic Burgundy Pinot Noir.
Pinot Noir原産自法國勃根地,除了可以用作釀製紅酒,亦可用於釀製香檳酒。黑皮諾喜歡的是偏寒冷的氣候,所以釀製的酒會較酸,較清新。其釀製的年輕酒會有櫻桃,草莓等香氣。陳釀後會出現甘草和蕈菇的香氣。一嘗Bourgogne Pinot Noir就可以知道最正宗的勃根地黑皮諾是如何迷倒你!這支Pinot Noir是採用100%勃根地種植的黑皮諾去釀製的,有清香的櫻桃紅桑子等味道。
莎當妮 Chardonnay
Chardonnay is frequently hailed as the "king" in the white wine grapes, adapt well in different climates. Blanc de blancs champagne means using 100% chardonnay during the wine making process. Its delicate texture carries fruity aroma such as apple, pineapple and yuzi.
Chardonnay被稱為白葡萄酒之王。它適合各種氣候,所以在全球各地都能良好生長。原產地在法國勃根地,釀製的白葡萄酒細膩精緻,白中白香檳便是用100%的chardonnay釀製。它釀製的酒口感細緻,酸度高。有蘋果,菠蘿,柚子等香氣。Brut Reserve Grand Cru Blanc de Blancs 就是採用了100%高品質的chardonnay釀製而成,有柑橘,菠蘿和白花的香氣,口感清新細膩,完美展現了莎當妮的特色。講完幾種法國既葡萄,就等我介紹翻兩種西班牙既品種俾你地啦!
歌海娜 Garnatxa
Garnatxa is one of the key wine grape in Spain. The optimal growing climate is warm which results in high sugar level and mild tannins, delivering medium to full body taste. L’ Equilibrista Garnatxa is made of 100% Garnatxa, 14 months in (new, one-year and two-year old) medium-toasted Allier French oak barrels. Strawberry and spice aromas on the nose with a refreshing chlorophyll note showing through.
Garnatxa西班牙葡萄酒中最主要的品種之一。這種葡萄適合在溫暖的環境下種植,其果實可以凝聚很高的糖份,酸度溫和適中。具有蜜餞水果香氣,酒體通常是中等或豐滿。早期以歌海娜為主的葡萄酒風格偏明亮,走年輕新鮮水果風味路線。近年卻流行將其釀製成沉穩,多層次的酒款。L’ Equilibrista Garnatxa採用了100%歌海娜釀製,在法國橡木桶中陳釀14個月,走近年流行的沉穩路線。濃郁的紅色和黑色水果味配上迷迭香等地中海草藥和巧克力味道,令人回味!
沙雷洛 Xarel.lo
Xarel.lo is the main wine grape for producing sparkling wine in Spain, namely Cava. The grapes are high in sugar level and acidity level. For instance, CA N’ESTRUC Xarel.lo blanc with aromas of citrus and baked apple are backed by flinty notes. Orchard and stone fruit characters meet fresh, crisp acidity.
沙雷洛是釀製西班牙汽泡酒 (Cava) 的主要葡萄品種。這種葡萄果皮厚,顆粒大小適中,集濃郁度、高酸度和高糖份於一身。其釀製的葡萄酒香氣較為清淡,通常具有柑橘類水果,梨子和草本植物等香氣。CA N’ESTRUC Xarel.lo blanc便體現了老藤沙雷洛葡萄酒獨有的優雅結構,散發清香的青蘋果和甘草芳香,質感柔順犀利,口腔洋溢陣陣花香。