【Wine Knowledge】Winemakers behind famous wines
By Scarlett C.
To produce the perfect wine isn’t just about the terroirs, but also a good winemaker. Have you noticed that there are numerous potential winemakers invest their whole life in the wine industry? Maybe they don’t have tons of funding compared with the famous winery, however, they have tons of passion and ideas. Maybe the taste isn’t normal as well, at least not for your expectation. Instead, you need to try and challenge your taste buds, subvert the established concept, like a baby, learn the wine world from zero.
一枝好嘅葡萄酒, 除咗天時地利, 仲要有好嘅釀酒師先得。當大家追求大酒莊嘅時候,有冇諗過仲有為數不少嘅獨立釀酒師默默耕耘佢地嘅心血?佢地可能背後冇大台,冇無限嘅資金,但佢地有無限嘅熱誠同想法。釀出嘅葡萄酒,可能唔係好大路嘅味,唔係預期到嘅味。反而你要不斷嘗試,挑戰自己嘅味蕾,顛覆建立咗嘅固有觀念。變翻BB仔咁,重新認識呢個葡萄酒世界。
I would like to introduce this website. Their mission is to help the independent winemaker, let them create their theory under low pressure and high freedom. Paying USD40 per month, Nakedwines will help you save money until you order wines. The money will support the independent winemaker directly. And your wine also from them.
We also have a fascinated winemaker who is Miguel Angel de Gregorio. He is obsessed with the terroirs, in order to raise the quality of the wine. He also is a fan of Tempranillo, many products made from a single variety – Tempranillo, our exclusive brand La Locomotora is an example. On the other hand, he loves creation. Paisajes creates with Miguel’s wide knowledge of La Rioja and his winemaking experience, each year he selects different vineyards which belong to different owners. The sites are selected based on their geographical qualities so that elegant and unique wines can be made.
而Pinewood Wine亦都有令係著迷嘅釀酒師,佢就係西班牙天才釀酒師Miguel Angel de Gregorio. 他沉醉於在田裡尋找風味,提高酒質。他也是國寶葡萄Tempranillo的死忠,很多手下的酒款都是單一Tempranillo 的成品,例如Pinewood Wine的獨家品牌La Locomotora 葡萄列車便是一例。另外,仍他也熱愛不同創作,Paisajes 美景系列是透過Miguel對於產區的了解,每年嚴選里奧哈區不同的單一葡萄園,藉由其優異的釀酒技術,呈現每個葡萄園中無與倫比的景致。