【HKTV Live】CNY Pudding & Wine Pairing Sets on HKTVMall App Season I Ep. 9
HKTV Live Ep. 9 was aired on 6 Jan. Foodie Adrian (@forkwithadrian) and we presented several discounts for the newly-launched 'CNY Pudding & Wine Pairing Sets'. We tried together the perfect pairing of our best seller Grand Reyne AOC Bordeaux wines and made-In-Hong-Kong puddings from Michelin- Recommended Tsui Hang Village. We're going to bring you some things even more exciting in the next episode. Don't miss it!
Pinewood x HKTVlive「今晚嚟飲杯」第 9 集已於1 月 6 號播出。我地兩位主持聮同 Foodie Adrian (@forkwithadrian) 推介全新「賀年年糕美酒套裝實體禮券」,仲一齊試左由米芝蓮食府翠亨邨香港製造既年糕同我地王牌法國・波爾多 AOC 金龍船美酒,兩者完美配搭,絕對係賀年必備。下集我地仲會有更精彩優惠帶俾大家! 唔好錯過喇!
About 【HKTV Live x Pinewood Wine】: Starting from 11 Nov, 12 episodes will be launched on the HKTVmall App every Thursday. In each episode, bartender, sommelier or KOL etc. will be invited to share wine tasting tips or their wine experiences with us. What's more, we also bring lots of special offers to our viewers.
節目內容: 由11月11日起,一連 12 集逢星期四晚上喺 HKTVmall App 進行直播,每集請嚟唔同嘉賓KOL、調酒師、品酒師、婚禮司儀等等,以唔同角度出發分享品酒/揀酒心得,最重要每集都會推出超抵購物優惠,每逢星期四約定大家!
Live 重温 :https://fb.watch/anFV-vJux2/