【HKTV Live】Wine from Alsace, Burgundy and Rhône on HKTVMall App Season II Ep. 2
Staying at home for so long? We definitely need a glass of wine to chill us out! Our Chef Michael will be teaching us Moules Marinières which everyone loves, pairing with white wine from Alsace, Burgundy and Rhône. We also got the $1 discount for all of you!! Can’t wait to see you guys tonight!
日日係屋企煮飯、叫外賣,真係需要一杯酒調劑吓生活,有我哋為你配搭不同菜式! 黎緊第2集 「以酒入饌嘅美食」Chef Michael 會教大家整大人細佬都鐘意嘅白酒煮青口,再配搭 法國亞爾薩斯、勃艮地、隆河區白酒,最緊要重有$1優惠! 想知係咩就要密切留意今晚嘅live 啦!
About 【HKTV Live x Pinewood Wine】: Starting from 10 Feb, we will be seeing you on HKTVmall App every two weeks. This season will be divided into several chapters with different wine-related topics. What's more, we also bring lots of special offers to our viewers.
節目內容: 由2月10日起,每兩個星期喺 HKTVmall App 進行直播,節目分為數個單元,每個單元圍繞1個主題一共5集,以唔同主題同大會推薦葡萄酒,最重要每集都會推出超抵購物優惠,約定大家喇!
Live 重温 : https://youtu.be/y5ellm-Cq9g