【HKTV Live】 Magnums, OWCs & Gift Boxes on HKTVMall App Season I Ep. 12
The last episode of HKTV Live (Ep. 12) was aired on 27 Jan. Lots of great CNY gift ideas and discounts were introduced, like Chapuy champagne in gift box, L'Equilibrista red wine magnum and L'Origan cava in OWC. Already given them to your friends or relatives and they absolutely love them, right?
The HKTV Live series has come to an end. We will definitely miss you guys. Hope to see you again in the future and try even more good wines with all of you!
最後一集 Pinewood x HKTVlive「今晚嚟飲杯」(第 12 集) 已於1 月 27 號播出。介紹左好多新春送禮美酒, 好似 查普王特級精品香檳 [禮盒], 平衡之最紅酒 1.5 公升裝 同 羅里根桃紅卡瓦起泡酒 [原木箱]。親朋好友收到係咪好開心呀?
「今晚嚟飲杯」已完滿結束, 期待下次再同你地見面, 帶更精彩內容俾大家!
About 【HKTV Live x Pinewood Wine】: Starting from 11 Nov, 12 episodes will be launched on the HKTVmall App every Thursday. In each episode, bartender, sommelier or KOL etc. will be invited to share wine tasting tips or their wine experiences with us. What's more, we also bring lots of special offers to our viewers.
節目內容: 由11月11日起,一連 12 集逢星期四晚上喺 HKTVmall App 進行直播,每集請嚟唔同嘉賓KOL、調酒師、品酒師、婚禮司儀等等,以唔同角度出發分享品酒/揀酒心得,最重要每集都會推出超抵購物優惠,每逢星期四約定大家!
Live 重温 : https://fb.watch/aYCrUhzb96/
Wanna try more amazing wines from us? Let's join our Mystery Wine Subscription Plan. With the plan, we will be sending one bottle valued from 288 HKD and up at the end of the month along with hand written info cards for you to enjoy. Click the link below for details.
仲想試多D 唔同類型既葡萄酒? 咁就要 join 我地既 Mystery Wine Subscription Plan 喇! 訂閱之後, 每逢月尾就會收到價值 $288 起 既神秘葡萄酒一枝同手寫 wine tag一張。想知更多就快 D click 入下面條 Link 啦!
Mystery Wine Subscription Plan :