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    La Famille Lafitte with Chateau La Bastide

    The Château La Bastide was built during the Hundred Year’s War in 1472 and used as a refuge for the residents of neighboring villages. The Château is located on the highest point in the village of Cocumont. It was completely rebuilt in 1425 after it had been destroyed by fire in 1721 and used as seigneurial residence until the Revolution. The Lafitte family became owner in 1943 with only 5 hectares of land. In 1962 , it is the second Lafitte generation who took over the property with 12 hectares including 6 of vines. In 1965, the Lafitte family joined the wine cooperative with the aim to bring the totality of its production and never left it. In 1973, began an important expansion of the property with the plantation of new grapes varieties : the merlot and the cabernet. The third Lafitte generation settled down in 1988 and extend again the familial property with the purchase of 10 hectares more in 1990.

    Château La Bastide 酒莊建於 1472 年的百年戰爭期間,用作鄰近村莊居民的避難所。城堡位於 Cocumont 村的最高點,在 1721 年被一場大火摧毀。重建後,它被用作革命之前的住宅。拉菲特家族於 1943 年成為業主,僅佔地 5 公頃。 1962 年,它是第二代拉菲特一代接管了 12 公頃的土地,其中包括 6 棵葡萄藤。 1965 年,Lafitte 家族加入了葡萄酒合作社,旨在實現其全部生產,從未離開過。 1973年,開始了新的葡萄品種種植園的重要擴建:梅鹿輒和赤霞珠。第三代 Lafitte 一代於 1988 年落戶,並於 1990 年再購買 10 公頃的家庭財產。

    Today, the Lafitte vineyards cover 57 hectares located a few miles away from the city of Marmande, the vineyards bord the hillside of the famous river: Garonne. The majority of the production is for the red wine elaboration ( 51 hectares) but the Château also produces a white wine with sauvignon blanc and sauvignon gris (6 hectares).

    今天,Lafitte 葡萄園佔地 57 公頃,距離 Marmande 市幾英里,葡萄園位於山坡上。著名的河流:加龍河。大部分產品用於紅葡萄酒的製作(51 公頃),但 Château 也生產白葡萄酒,白葡萄酒和長相思(6 公頃)。

    The Château is located, on one hand, on gravelly and boulbènes soil, rich for the culture of merlot and cabernet franc, and, on the other hand, on clay and gravel soil favorable to the culture of sauvignon blanc and gris. The Château La Bastide and the Lafitte family are historically involved beside the Cave du Marmandais in order to support discovering the know-how and the qualitative terroir of Côtes du Marmandais.

    城堡一方面位於礫石和 boulbènes 土壤上,富含梅鹿輒和品麗珠的文化,另一方面,位於有利於白蘇維那和格里斯文化的粘土和礫石土壤上。 Château La Bastide 和 Lafitte 家族歷史悠久地參與 Cave du Marmandais,以支持發現 Côtes du Marmandais 的專業知識和定性風土。

    The red wine of Chateau La Bastide consists of 60% Merlot, 30% Malbec, and 10% Cabernet Sauvignon. A very nice harmony between the woodiness and the fruitiness. The white wine is 95% Sauvignon Blanc, 5% Sauvignon Gris. A well-defined taste of white fruits with a hint of floral and citrus taste. Chateau La Bastide has been promoted in Hong Kong for over 10 years. From supermarkets to online stores, restaurants to hotels, it remains highly demanded. It is also popular among events and promotions. For instance:

    Chateau La Bastide 紅酒用 60% Merlot, 30% Malbec 及 10% Cabernet Sauvignon 釀製,木味與果香非常平衡。白酒則用 95% Sauvignon Blanc 及 5% Sauvignon Gris 釀製,有細膩的白肉水果味、花香及柑橘香。Chateau La Bastide已經在香港市場推行了 10 年有多,相當受超級市場、網購平台、餐廳及酒店等歡迎,近年亦受越來越多企業活動選取,例如 :

     - MasterCard Wine Privileges Programme 2017-18
    - Circus Tram Autumn 2018

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    La Famille Lafitte with Chateau La Bastide

    Since 1472

    The Château La Bastide was built during the Hundred Year’s War in 1472 and used as a refuge for the residents of neighboring villages. The Château is located on the highest point in the village of Cocumont. It was completely rebuilt in 1425 after it had been destroyed by fire in 1721 and used as seigneurial residence until the Revolution.

    The Lafitte family became owner in 1943 with only 5 hectares of land. In 1962 , it is the second Lafitte generation who took over the property with 12 hectares including 6 of vines.

    In 1965, the Lafitte family joined the wine cooperative with the aim to bring the totality of its production and never left it. In 1973, began an important expansion of the property with the plantation of new grapes varieties : the merlot and the cabernet.

    The third Lafitte generation settled down in 1988 and extend again the familial property with the purchase of 10 hectares more in 1990.


    Château la Bastide, crus Corbières, Lieu-dit la Bastide, 11200 Escales, France


    Anne-Marie and Guilhem Durand



    Today, the Lafitte vineyards cover 57 hectares located a few miles away from the city of Marmande, the vineyards bord the hillside of the famous river: Garonne. The majority of the production is for the red wine elaboration ( 51 hectares) but the Château also produces a white wine with sauvignon blanc and sauvignon gris (6 hectares).

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    The red wine of Chateau La Bastide consists of 60% Merlot, 30% Malbec, and 10% Cabernet Sauvignon. A very nice harmony between the woodiness and the fruitiness. The white wine is 95% Sauvignon Blanc, 5% Sauvignon Gris. A well-defined taste of white fruits with a hint of floral and citrus taste. Chateau La Bastide has been promoted in Hong Kong for over 10 years.


    From supermarkets to online stores, restaurants to hotels, it remains highly demanded. It is also popular among events and promotions. For instance:
    - MasterCard Wine Privileges Programme 2017-18
    - Circus Tram Autumn 2018
    Red | White
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