Sole Distributor in Hong Kong & Macau
Since 2012
Broken Heart Gin is a tribute to friendship – between two Germans living inNew Zealand’s Southern Alps. Joerg was a pilot and Bernd an engineer.They shared the same passion on what a perfect gin should be like andthen spent three years crafting away at the recipe for what they consideredto be a perfect gin.
Their combined knowledge and a true commitment of Master Distillers, theyformed their friendship around a still and a passion for perfecting spirits ofrare complexity and fine flavours. Sadly, in 2012, Bernd became ill andpassed away very suddenly, leaving Joerg bereft.
After months of mourning his dear friend, Joerg realized Bernd would wanthim to produce and market the Gin which they had worked so hard ontogether, and named it Broken Heart Spirits in commemoration of his dearfriend.
Those were the glory days and nothing captured the flavour of that timebetter than the inspiration Bernd and Joerg shared to create a superb gin –an intricate balance of eleven botanicals and surprisingly good with a twistof orange. It became a ritual, one a day at dusk, as day turned to night, thetaste of the time of in-between..
3 Whitechapel Road, Arrow Junction, RD 1Queenstown 9371, New ZealandLand of the Long Gin Cloud
Joerg Henkenhaf
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