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    East-Meets-West | All-in-One
    Rice Dumpling & Wine Pairing Set Gift Voucher 

    「中西薈萃」 |「四囍臨門」端陽糭品酒套裝禮券

    With over 45-year history, Tsui Hang Village strives to offer the true taste of Cantonese gourmets, at the same time innovates festive food recipes by using modern ingredients. In celebrating Dragon Boat Festival, savour the new creation Parma Ham, Pepperoni and Cheese Rice Dumpling, which is specially paired with Grand Reyne Blanc, AOC Boudreaux, a brand new East-Meets-West festive enjoyment brought to you by Tsui Hang Village and Pinewood Wine. Together with the new flavour, three other traditional Cantonese Rice Dumplings are also available for sale: Eight-Treasure Conpoy Rice Dumpling, Chinese Ham, Parma Ham and Peanuts Rice Dumpling and Golden Cumquat Rice Dumpling. All rice dumplings are made freshly in Hong Kong with top- notch ingredients, frozen and sealed in vacuum bags to ensure its freshness. Besides, the combos are presented in a stylish gift box design inspired by Pop Art, making it the trendiest festive gift in town.

    粵菜老字號翠亨邨一直敢於創新,除了有口皆碑的傳統端陽糭,今年首推融合西式食材炮製的辣腸巴馬火腿芝心糭,更再度聯乘Pinewood Wine,精挑 法國・波爾多AOC級別酒莊Grand Reyne金龍船白酒作配對,為經典的佳節美饌注入中西合壁新元素!此外,三款傳統端陽糭:特級元貝八寶裹蒸糭、鴛鴦金腿花生鹹肉糭及獨家鹼水甜糭黃金柑桔糭,分別組成四款優惠組合,任君選擇。所有糉子均是香港製造,並以真空獨立包裝,連真空袋一同於沸水中翻熱後即可享用,方便衛生。今年亦換上以普普藝術為設計靈感的包裝,以仿版畫印刷技術排列糭子圖案,色彩繽紛,為節日注入活力,送禮體面亦新潮。
    Pinewood Wine x Tsui Hang Village – Rice Dumpling Wine Pairing Sets “Parma Ham, Pepperoni and Cheese Rice Dumpling” & “Grand Reyne Blanc, AOC Boudreaux” 

    Tsui Hang Village reinterprets the traditional taste of sticky rice dumpling by using popular western ingredients Parma ham, Pepperoni and Cheddar cheese in the creation of the new flavour - Parma Ham, Pepperoni and Cheese Rice Dumpling. The saltiness of the meat and the creaminess of the cheese pair perfectly with the full-bodied white wine, Grand Reyne Blanc, AOC Bordeaux, which combines 70% Sauvignon Blanc and 30% Semillon. Delight the palate with aromas of citrus, white fruit, apricot and a small amount of white fresh flowers while complementing the greasy aftertaste of the rice dumpling. Both “All-In-One Rice Dumpling Quartet” and “East-Meets-West Rice Dumpling Duo” are paired with Grand Reyne Blanc, AOC Bordeaux as two gift vouchers respectively, perfect to enjoy with your friends and family! 

    限量發售 中西融合套裝禮券 - 辣腸巴馬火腿芝心糭 配對 法國・波爾多AOC級別酒莊金龍船白酒

    East-Meets-West Rice Dumplings Duo + Grand Reyne Blanc, AOC Bordeaux, 2020, 750ml Voucher 

    Set Price $388 (Original Price $586)

    The set includes: 
    ➤ 1 x Eight-Treasure Conpoy Rice Dumpling
    ➤ 1 x Parma Ham, Pepperoni and Cheese Rice Dumpling
    ➤ 1 x Grand Reyne Blanc, AOC Bordeaux, 2020, 750ml

    ➤ 1 x 1x 特級元貝八寶裹蒸糭
    ➤ 1 x 辣肉巴馬火腿芝心糭
    ➤ 1 x 法國・波爾多金龍船白酒 2020, 750ml

    All-in-one Rice Dumpling Quartet + Grand Reyne Blanc, AOC Bordeaux, 2020, 750ml Voucher 

    Set Price $498 (Original Price $756)

    The set includes: 
    ➤ 1 x Eight-Treasure Conpoy Rice Dumpling
    ➤ 1 x Chinese Ham, Parma Ham and Peanuts Rice Dumpling
    ➤ 1 x Parma Ham, Pepperoni and Cheese Rice Dumpling
    ➤ 1 x Golden Cumquat Rice Dumpling
    ➤ 1 x Grand Reyne Blanc, AOC Bordeaux, 2020, 750ml

    ➤ 1 x 特級元貝八寶裹蒸糭
    ➤ 1 x 鴛鴦金腿花生鹹肉糭
    ➤ 1 x 辣肉巴馬火腿芝心糭
    ➤ 1 x 黃金柑桔糭
    ➤ 1 x 法國・波爾多金龍船白酒 2020, 750ml

    GIFT Voucher SHOPPING DETAILS  |  禮券購買詳情

    Online Shops 購買途徑



    Redemption Details 換領詳情
    1. After placing order on online/physical shops with payment successfully made, delivery of physical gift vouchers will be arranged to customers by SF from 7 May, 2021 and onwards. Customers can redeem the rice dumplings set with Grand Reyne Blanc (750ml) at the 2 Tsui Hang Village branches.
    於指定商店購買禮券及成功付款後,由2021年5月7日開始安排順豐速遞將實體券送到府上 (價錢已包括運費),顧客可憑實體券到指定翠亨邨分店換取端陽糭套裝一套及法國波爾多金龍船白酒(750ml)一支。

    2. Please call to reserve your item 3 days ahead to ensure the supply if you would like to redeem 5 sets or more.

    3. Gift Voucher Redemption available from 1 June, 2021 until 12 June 2021 (operation hour: 12:00noon - 9:00pm)
    換領日期由2021年6月1日至12日 (中午12:00至晚上9:00) 
    Redemption Locations 換領地點

    1. 翠亨邨 尖沙咀分店 Tsim Sha Tsui 
    九龍尖沙咀彌敦道132號, Mira Place 1, 5 樓 
    L5, Mira Place 1, 132 Nathan Road, TSim Sha Tsui, Kowloon 
    Phone: +852 6929 9950/ +852 2376 2882 

    2. 翠亨邨 中環分店 Central 
    2/F, New World Tower, 16-18 Queen’s Road Central, Central, Hong Kong 
    Phone: +852 6929 9951/ +852 2524 2012


    Luck, Prosperity, Victory

    Grand Reyne Blanc, AOC Bordeaux | 法國・波爾多金龍船 白酒, 2020 750ml

    Maturing 陳釀:
    6 months in stainless steel vats
    不銹鋼桶中陳釀 6 個月

    Tasting Notes 酒評:
    Fresh notes of Sauvignon, citrus and white flower flavours.
     “Steering towards a fertile land to discover the most precious treasure under the golden petals”

    Symbolizing luck, prosperity and victory, the emblematic dragon ship with a golden head of Grand Reyne, sails past Garonne, a well-known river, steering towards a fertile land in Bordeaux, France to discover the most precious treasure on the land and bring the finest taste that is being proud of.

    The wine estate was established in Bordeaux where the vines have benefited from unique terroir with optimal climatic and geological conditions. The mix of clay and limestone soil possess rich minerals that immensely favours the growth of vines. With ambient temperature, sufficient sunlight exposure and stable rainfall, great wines are hence produced.

    The creations of Grand Reyne are made with famous Bordeaux blend. The rouge features merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon while blanc features Sauvignon Blanc and Semillon, offering the authentic flavor from South West France.

    Renowned for its absolute mastery of traditional winemaking craftsmanship, Grand Reyne perpetuates the tradition while adding a touch of modern flair to continue to strive for excellence to amaze more people from different corners of the world with unique taste of wine. 




    Grand Reyne的葡萄酒均採用經典的「波爾多混釀」製成。紅酒以梅洛和赤霞珠為主,而白酒則以長相思和賽美蓉為主,兩款葡萄酒結構良好口感柔順,絲滑,適合配搭多元化的食物,成為法國西南部人最喜愛的口味。

    Grand Reyne憑藉精湛的傳統釀酒工藝聞名於世,除了保留傳統工藝,還結合現代的科技,致力追求卓越,讓世界各地更多愛酒之士親身感受優越的佳釀體驗。 


    With over 45 years of history and three outlets spanning across Kowloon and Hong Kong Island, Tsui Hang Village has captured the true essence of Cantonese fare with its delicately hand-crafted dim sum and Guangdong flavor dishes, and the best-loved roasted meat in town. Tsui Hang Village is recommended in the Michelin Guide Hong Kong & Macau 2013-2020. It has also won many other reputable culinary awards, showcasing the essence of Cantonese cuisine.

    擁有四十五年歷史的翠亨邨,一直遵循傳統炮製正宗粵菜,以家鄉風味的粤港式菜餚、譽滿全城的明爐燒味、以及手工製作的精緻點心而聞名,多年來為饗客於優雅舒適的環境中提供經典中式佳餚。翠亨邨獲評為《香港及澳門米芝蓮指南2013-2020》以及《米其林指南 – 粵菜亞洲/歐洲/美國 2018-2019》推介餐廳,亦榮獲多個享負盛名的飲食獎項,盡顯粵菜精髓。
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