【New Service】Wine Subscription
It is safe to say that this current climate is white wine weather… But to get wine, you’ll have to brave the heat or rain, then spend time choosing what is right for you… Why not give yourself a break with our mystery subscription? We’ll be sending a bottle worth HKD$288 or more at the end of the month starting from June, and with the summer heat, it’s sure to be white; maybe even sparkling… Details in the link below!
炎炎夏日,最啱就係飲白酒!但係外面熱辣辣又成日落雨,仲要花時間揀酒... 不如試下我哋嘅Mystery Subscription呢? 由6月尾開始,我哋會為你發送一枝價值HKD$288以上的葡萄酒,依排咁熱,白酒梗係少不免,可能仲有氣泡酒添...
Details in the link below!