【New Product】Walter Gregor’s Tonic Water
By Michael C.
Have you ever thought of changing your tonic water when you have your G&T? Do you want your tonic water to match your good gin and take it to the next level? Well, here it is! We proudly present Walter Gregor’s Tonic Water!
你飲Gin & Tonic嘅時候,有無諗過試下唔同嘅tonic water?想唔想支tonic water可以將你支靚gin帶去另一個層次?識揀嘅你一定要試 Walter Gregor’s 嘅 Tonic Water!
Unlike any of the tonic that you had, Walter Gregor’s is a Scottish boutique producer making small batches of tonic water, all handcrafted in Scotland. And other than the original tonic water, it provides a few more options for you gin lovers! Let’s take a look at them today!
Walter Gregor’s 同你飲開嘅tonic water完全唔同,佢係一間來自蘇格蘭的精品手工廠,全部產品係蘇格蘭手工製造!除了Original Tonic之外,更有幾款與眾不同的Tonic Water!今日我地就來介紹比大家!
Mint & Cucumber Tonic Water
Mint & Cucumber Tonic Water is just the perfect option for a refreshing gin. It resembles the taste of Mojito and brings it to your G&T. The outcome is remarkable. I assure that it will stay in your regular shopping list.
Mint & Cucumber Tonic Water 係清新口味的絕配,佢將Mojito嘅清新香味帶到你杯Gin & Tonic,飲過你就會明,呢個真係會成為你嘅新歡!
Scottish Raspberry Tonic Water
Having said that, my personal favourite would probably be Scottish Raspberry Tonic Water! You all know how much I love floral and sweet stuff so there is no way I can escape from this lovely pink fruity tonic water. Its natural raspberry flavour adds a wonderful sweetness to your gin and lightens up the floral aromas of your gin! And of course, it looks divine on your Instagram!
不過我個人嘅最愛一定係Scottish Raspberry Tonic Water~大家都知道我有幾鍾意花香同甜嘢,呢支粉紅色嘅天然紅桑子tonic真係符合晒我嘅口味~佢嘅果香可以襯托出Gin入面嘅花香,同埋用來post相呃like真係一流~
Apple & Cinnamon Tonic Water
If you are a fan of apple crumbles, then you must try this Apple & Cinnamon Tonic Water. It’s absolutely sensational. With the taste of cinnamon, it brings out the spicy notes in your gin. On the other hand, the apple flavour counter balances it and maintains the harmony of your drink! The chemistry is just good!
如果你好鐘意食Apple Crumble嘅話,咁就一定要試Apple & Cinnamon Tonic Water,肉桂帶出咗Gin嘅辣味,同時又有蘋果味平衡返,令到杯Gin & Tonic香得來又和諧!
Spiced Tonic Water
Last but not least, Spiced Tonic Water gives you a sublime warmth in your G&T. Recall those flavours of mulled wine like orange, cinnamon, and clove. When they combine with your gin, it gives you that oomph like a wood stove fire.
最後一款特色tonic係 Spiced Tonic Water,佢就好似聖誕mulled wine咁,有香橙、肉桂、丁香嘅味道,令你杯Gin & Tonic 有好溫暖嘅感覺,帶出一個坐係歐式柴火暖爐旁邊的畫面!
Original Tonic Water
After all these fancy tonic waters, let’s circle back to Walter Gregor’s Original Tonic Water! It’s light and crispy with soothing soft bubbles. The subtle notes of lemongrass, mint, orange, lemon, lime, and a bit of salty mineral is an epic combination created to match every kind of gin.
除咗以上嘅特色tonic water,當然唔少得Walter Gregor’s Original Tonic Water la!佢有含蓄嘅香茅、薄荷、香橙、檸檬、青檸同少少礦物鹽味,加上清脆嘅口感同柔軟嘅氣泡,令呢支tonic water可以完美地襯托所有款式的gin!
Fancy a different gin as well? Take a look at our Broken Heart Gin collection from New Zealand and do some mix & matches!
想睇埋有咩特色gin?咁就要睇我地嘅Broken Heart Gin系列la!自己玩Gin & Tonic mix & match就係咁簡單!