【介紹】Rauzan Segla back in stock!
Rauzan Segla 終於番貨喇~~
Chateau Rauzan-Segla (魯臣世家莊園)- 著名高級品牌CHANEL 擁有既酒莊!
位於波爾多 Garonne River 左岸梅多克產區的瑪歌村,坐擁51公頃約的葡萄園。
This is a wine with a good on-premise presence; a recent survey by Wine Services of the visibility of classified Bordeaux in restaurants across key markets showed that Rauzan-Ségla came in at number 21 out of the 92 estates surveyed, ahead of Grand-Puy-Lacoste, Lascombes, Brane-Cantenac and Giscours.