【Wine Knowledge】Regional Grape Varieties
By Timothy S.
Wine is made from grapes of many different varieties, some of which are grown specifically in one region for single varietal blends. I will be talking about some wines that are specific to their regions and what makes them unique.
Gamay, Beaujolais
This is one of the few grapes that make a red wine lighter in colour than Pinot Noir. It has low to medium tannins, very fruity notes and is light-bodied. It can be served lightly chilled, which can be especially refreshing for the summer. Check out our exclusive Beaujolais from Doudet Naudin!
這種葡萄係少數令紅酒顏色比黑皮諾更淡嘅葡萄之一。單寧低至中等,果味濃郁,酒體輕盈。可以輕輕咁冷藏,令人有個耳目一新夏季。Click入去睇下我們獨家品牌Doudet Naudin嘅Beaujolais!
Tempranillo, Spain
This grape is best described as “all-rounded” for its versatility in notes. It can be found in three different Spanish regions with their own production restrictions. Miguel Angel de Gregorio pushes the boundaries of a Rioja Tempranillo with La Locomotora, offering the entire range of aged varieties for Tempranillo.
這種葡萄因其多功能性而被人形容為“全方位”。佢可以喺三個不同嘅西班牙地區搵到,有自己嘅生產限制。Miguel Angel de Gregorio和La Locomotora突破破Rioja Tempranillo嘅界限,為提供咗Tempranillo所有陳年品種。
Glera, Italy
A grape that is almost exclusively made into Prosecco. Although originally from Slovenia, Italy is where most glera wines come from. The wines from this grape are usually more floral, acidic and delicate than champagne with notes of pear, elderflower and white peach. Our exclusive brand Val D’OCa has a wide range of Prosecco for you to discover.
幾乎大部分的Prosecco都是完全由Glera這種葡萄釀製而成的。雖然最初是來自斯洛文尼亞,但是現在大多數的Glera葡萄酒都是來自意大利。用這種葡萄釀製的葡萄酒通常比起帶有梨,接骨木花和白桃的香檳更具有花香,酸味和精緻。我們嘅獨家品牌Val D’OCa擁有很多不同種類的Prosecco等緊你去試。
Go ahead and try them out if you haven’t already! There is an ocean of unique wines out there waiting to be explored, but these three are a great start.