【Wine Knowledge】Benefits of Online Shopping For Wine
By Timothy S.
Online retail has been on the rise for a while, and online wine retail is no exception. What exactly are the benefits of using online platforms for wine though?
In a wine shop, a customer has less choice, more biased assistance and less time. They have to abide by the wine shop’s opening hours. Usually, one would not have access to knowing the wine shop’s entire inventory unless they research the shop beforehand. For advice, they are also at the mercy of the shopkeeper.
With online shopping, all these problems go away. Websites can be accessed any time. The wine you have access to seems limitless. With sites like Vivino, public opinions are easily accessible. Online shoppers are also able to compare prices by simply changing tabs instead of walking to and from different stores.
Pinewood Wine’s online store is special in the fact that we not only have all the benefits of other online stores, but we are also able to sell directly to our customers and clients as the sole agent for our exclusive brands. That means no inflated pricing from retailers. Our sales staff are all certified wine professionals too, which means our advice and service will be handled by a guaranteed professional.
Pinewood Wine嘅在線舖頭好特別,因為我哋不僅擁有其他在線舖頭嘅所有優勢,而且作為獨家品牌嘅唯一代理,我哋仲可以直接銷售畀我哋嘅顧客及客戶。 意味住零售商唔會為咗支付租金而抬高價錢。 我哋嘅銷售人員也是經過認證嘅葡萄酒專業人士,意味住我哋嘅建議同服務都係非常專業。
Take a look at our exclusive brands today and rest assured that any advise on your purchase will come from wine professionals!