【Ufood Feature】Wine Tasting Tour
Pinewood Wine Society | 1-Hr Wine Tasting Tour
Join us to indulge in the mesmerizing wine world and be amazed by hundreds of quality wines, wandering through a wide range of selections from France, Spain, Italy to Finland! We selected the best, you enjoy the rest!
對葡萄酒有興趣而又想深層次了解個人口味的你要注意啦!Pinewood Wine品酒工作坊由專業的WSET Qualified Educator駐場介紹,邊陪你品嚐多款舊世界精選佳釀,邊述說各種葡萄酒資訊,例如各產地的釀酒文化歷史、獨特風土、氣候、釀製方法及分級制度等!
Pinewood Wine Society
Unit 805, Heng Ngai Jewelry Centre, 4 Hok Yuen Street East, Hung Hom, Hong Kong
紅磡鶴園東街4號恆藝珠寶大廈 805 室