【HKTV Live】Brotte on HKTVMall App Season I Ep. 11
HKTV Live Ep. 11 was aired on 20 Jan. We introduced our new friend from France, Brotte. We were so happy about the positive feedbacks from our viewers. Discounts will be offered next week in the last episode. Grab the chance before it's too late.
Pinewood x HKTVlive「今晚嚟飲杯」第 11 集已於1 月 20 號播出。帶左全新法國品牌 Brotte同大家見面,仲有唔少觀眾話鍾意添呀! 下星期就係最後一集喇! 把握最後機會買優惠美酒啦!
About 【HKTV Live x Pinewood Wine】: Starting from 11 Nov, 12 episodes will be launched on the HKTVmall App every Thursday. In each episode, bartender, sommelier or KOL etc. will be invited to share wine tasting tips or their wine experiences with us. What's more, we also bring lots of special offers to our viewers.
節目內容: 由11月11日起,一連 12 集逢星期四晚上喺 HKTVmall App 進行直播,每集請嚟唔同嘉賓KOL、調酒師、品酒師、婚禮司儀等等,以唔同角度出發分享品酒/揀酒心得,最重要每集都會推出超抵購物優惠,每逢星期四約定大家!
Live 重温 : https://fb.watch/aK3V7uRQ-I/