【Wine Sharing】Wines that bear auspicious meanings for CNY
By Scarlett C.
Red wine is a MUST-DRINK item during Chinese New Year.
When you drink red wine during CNY, you can have luck for the whole year. Wine is a decent gift in CNY, it makes the gathering happier. So how can you choose a proper wine? Just pick it in an easy way.
所謂紅運當頭,紅卜卜嘅紅酒飲落肚,仲唔由年頭好運到年尾?送禮又得體,又可以炒熱氣氛,平時唔飲嘅朋友仔,大時大節走唔甩架喇,多多少少都要飲啲。市面上咁多選擇,拎嚟送禮點擇好?麻煩一班酒鬼們放下有性格嘅選擇,簡翻啲大路少少, 容易入口嘅酒。咁大家就食得開心,飲得盡興。
Pinewood Wine’s exclusive brand - Grand Reyne is definitely your first choice. The dragon is a symbol of luck, victory, as well as prosperity. When you bring it as a gift, your relatives or friends will like it for sure. It contains 60% Merlot, it is smooth and fruity, I believe people who haven’t drink wine before also love it!
例如Pinewood Wine獨家品牌Grand Reyne金龍船簡值係為農曆新年而設。你睇佢外表金龍圖騰躍然紙上,就知佢來頭唔少野。對於華人嚟講龍係好運、勝利及豐盛的象徵。你拎呢枝送禮,親威朋友都會好開心,唔信?買枝試下咪知。佢唔係淨係得外表,佢嘅味隨係好似天竺鼠車車咁人見人愛。佢入面有60%係Merlot,所以佢入口順滑,果香豐富,平時唔飲酒嘅朋友,試完都覺得好!
Another choice is beer, especially craft beer. But you need to consider the features of the craft beer. Some of them focus on the hops which are a bit bitter, some of them focus on the wheat. But they both mean lucky because they have golden colors! Cheers!
另外,聚餐上另外一樣好受歡迎嘅飲品就係啤酒,依家仲愈來愈流行手工啤添!如果要選擇特色手工啤,就要留意手工單本身嘅特色,有啲係好著重啤酒花嘅甘苦,有啲好著重麥香,要睇下來賓平時飲開咩酒喇!不過倒一杯出嚟,金黃金黃色,match 曬新年啦!