【Wine Sharing】International Merlot Day
Merlot Day takes place on November 7. Since it is International Merlot Day, it is the perfect time to find out more about Merlot!
Merlot is a grape variety that produces wines which are round and pleasant, with aromas of black fruits including black cherry, blackberry, and cassis. There are also notes of truffle, violet, plum, and chocolate.
梅洛係一種葡萄品種,生產的葡萄酒圓潤宜人,帶有黑色水果的香氣,包括黑櫻桃、黑莓和黑醋栗。 仲有松露、紫羅蘭、李子同巧克力嘅味道。
Many wine lovers would say Cabernet Sauvignon is the most widely planted grape in Bordeaux. This is not true. Bordeaux has more hectares devoted to Merlot than any other grape. In Bordeaux, Merlot accounts for 62% of all vines, which covers approximately 69,138 hectares. With about 25% of the region's plantings totaling over 28,347 hectares, Cabernet Sauvignon is a distant second.
好多葡萄酒愛好者會話赤霞珠係波爾多種植最廣泛嘅葡萄,其實波爾多種植梅洛嘅面積比任何其他葡萄都多。在波爾多,梅洛佔所有葡萄藤的62%,佔地約69,138公頃。 赤霞珠才約佔該地區種植面積的25%,總面積超過28,347公頃,位居第二。
Bordeaux is not the only place where Merlot is popular. It's the most widely planted grape in France! The grape is also productive in numerous countries, such as Switzerland, Australia, Argentina, and the United States. The best expression of Merlot is found on Bordeaux soil. The soil provides color, density, tannins, richness, and concentration.
波爾多亦並唔係梅洛唯一受歡迎嘅地方。佢係法國種植最廣泛嘅葡萄! 呢種葡萄喺瑞士、澳洲、阿根廷同美國等好多國家都有產。 梅洛嘅最佳表現係喺波爾多土壤。 土壤提供顏色、密度、單寧、豐富度和濃度。
The most expensive Bordeaux wines, however, are the Merlot-based Pomerol wines. Each bottle of Petrus, Le Pin, or Lafleur costs more than $1,000.
然而,最昂貴嘅波爾多葡萄酒係基於梅洛嘅波美侯葡萄酒。 每瓶Petrus、Le Pin或Lafleur的售價超過1,000美元。
At the end of the day, there are a variety of Merlot-based wines to pick from, each with its own distinct flavor profile. Why not pick up a bottle of something special to celebrate International Merlot Day on November 7th, regardless of which Merlot wine you prefer?
其實有好多種梅洛嘅葡萄酒可供選擇,每一種都有自己獨特嘅風味特徵。 無論你鍾意邊種梅洛葡萄酒,快d揀番一枝特別嘅來慶祝11月7日的國際梅洛日啦!