Val D'Oca x Pinewood Wine:
Val D’Oca Vibe
Ignite Your Val D'Oca Vibe Even At Home
Get dressed to enjoy the bubbles in style! Here is a list of recommendations for you to explore the world of prosecco. You will definitely be amazed by the enchanting charismas in them! Share the effervescence of prosecco to cheer your loved ones. There is always a reason to toast !
每天宅在家,需要一點微醺調劑生活! 花少少時間打扮,慢慢享受氣微醺時刻,跟Lilian 一起發掘意大利氣泡酒嘅魅力!
Val D'Oca 酒莊
The Prosecco production area is located in the north-eastern area of Italy and more precisely between Veneto and Friuli, one of the most beautiful areas of the Italian peninsula.
位於意大利的維內多省(Veneto)葡萄酒產區內,坐落美麗的連綿山丘之上,阿爾卑斯山腳之下─Asolo和Conegliano之間。除了在法定產區生產,當中幾款更逹一級認證,採用古羅馬時代保留下來的葡萄品種(以100% Glera 為主),散發淡淡清新的水果香氣。
Discount Code 優惠碼: LILIANVD2022
Purchase Any 2 Bottles Or Above To Enjoy "Buy-1-Get-1-Free-Offer "
Lilian Kan - KANALILI FLEUR 創辦人
香港著名時裝設計師兼花藝師,Lilian 擁有豐富的設計經驗,作品種頪多元化,除了自家品牌的男女系列外,更致力把Dolce Vita 的生活態度宣揚出去,將時尚概念融入生活每一個角落,在家品方面每年推出香薰以及保鮮花擺設,與大家一起編織生活品味。
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