【 TELL ME WINE 】 Rosewood Wine Dinner
TELL ME WINE - Rosewood Wine Dinner Event
The wine dinner at Rosewood The Legacy House was a success last week.
It was a tailor-made dinner menu with extraordinary wine paired for our TELL ME WINE members and top models! The sea views and fine food made it a memorable event, and all guests enjoyed it! It was a memorable evening filled with fine food and wine.
今次的TELL ME WINE Event很高興可以邀請各位會員, KOLs及Models來臨Rosewood The Legacy House!
TELL ME WINE - 希望將飲酒文化融入大家生活,聚集鍾意飲酒交流及想擴闊social network的您🥂今次的活動為大家精心安排Rosewood著名菜式如”有米富貴雞”,”北京填鴨”及手工菜”生拆鮮魚羮”等等⋯ 一路望住維港海景,食住美食同埋飲住Pinewood 美酒!亦enjoy我們為大家準備的wine pairing!同時亦佈置了場地,讓大家盡情打卡!
今次的Wine Dinner完滿結束!各位都非常enjoy和玩得盡興!
#ChapuyBrutReserveBlancdeBlancsGrand Cru